Wisconsin Sunset

Wisconsin Sunset
God is painting again...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ice "Skating"

So Wisconsin has officially broken me in, but not broken me up. Let me explain. There are roads. There is ice. There are cars. The three are a bad combination. I got firsthand knowledge this morning on my way to an appointment across town. While driving the freeway, I tried to slow down for traffic congestion ahead. What happened in actuality is this: sliiiiiiiiiiiiiide... turn... slam into median... turn... wait for that car to hit me... SMASH! God is so good - neither I nor the other driver was hurt, just badly shaken. My car has some pretty ugly damage, his looks like an accordion.

Camry - good car. The rest of the day follows with much rejoicing for safety, hugs from Jonathan, and many, many phone calls: arrange for tow, arrange for auto body, arrange for rental car (but I really don't want to drive anytime soon), talk to my insurance company, talk to his insurance company, talk to Mom and Dad... I'm going to go take a nap. I'm pooped.

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