Wisconsin Sunset

Wisconsin Sunset
God is painting again...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Goodbye, Dear Friend

We had to say goodbye today to our dear sweet girl today. Duchesa (said "Du-kay-sa), was 11 years old, in our lives since she was 5. She was the best dog we could have ever hoped for. The worst thing we could remember her doing was stealing a Quizno's sub off the table - who could blame her? We had tons of names for her - Darg, Dargie, Dog, Dog-quesa - but mostly, "Quesa" and "Quesadilla". Someone once said, "As in Spanish for 'cheese'?" Yes - she was a cheeseball, always good for a laugh, but she was also so much more.

She was the peacemaker of the cats, and the comforter of our tears. She could always make us smile, even on our darkest days. She was terrified of thunder and fireworks, didn't like bananas, and loved graham crackers and Velveeta. She loved walks, loved food, and loved children. She was an enemy of no one, and a friend to everyone. She made lots of friends in the neighborhood with her goofy personality and sweet smile. We already miss her so much. We were blessed with her presence. May you all have a similar friend in your lives.