Wisconsin Sunset

Wisconsin Sunset
God is painting again...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Winter (in fall)

The other day we had a rather crazy experience... this white stuff starts falling from the sky... what the HECK is this? We had snow in SoCal last year, about 3 inches (for prolly the first time in 20 years!). So far we've had over a FOOT of the stuff (in 3 or 4 separate storms) and we're led to believe it only gets worse until about the end of January. Yeesh. :-)

Oh, and one more thing - it was rather surreal to see our car's outside thermometer reading 7 (that's SEVEN degrees Farenheit). It's been as low as 3 here so far, and I've heard stories of -20.

Enough of the winter stories (after all, it's still technically fall, you know!). Things are going fine here, and we've been settling into a new routine. Lindsay has a long-term temp job working for GHC (our health provider) and I'm enjoying my new position at Asbury United Methodist

When time permits, we'll both be posting - check back as ofter as you want, and feel free to leave a comment!


dawn said...

Jonathan I hope Linds is bundling up. I'm cold just looking at that pix!! best to you both

Mom said...

We miss you as much as you miss us!
Loved you first,

Connie said...

Wishing you both a wonderful (and white) Christmas. Sounds like you're adjusting well to the new location and weather....7 degrees, yikes!


Anonymous said...

Hey, you guys!
Glad to find you are enjoying a good old midwest winter! Drop me a line sometime so I can send you some e-mail pics.