Wisconsin Sunset

Wisconsin Sunset
God is painting again...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas...

I sang the song, and it came true. Blame it on me.

Wisconsin is one gigantic learning experience.

Everyone here keeps saying how this is not normal for this time of year. I'm inclined to believe them, since I've heard it from so many people. It's been quite an education, learning about how all this works. Salt melts snow; snow blowers don't actually blow, they throw; sleet is different from hail is different from freezing rain is different from just plain snow; ice makes for bad driving; yes, there can be snowplows on the wrong side of the road; and schools close when there's more than a few inches and/or there's ice on the way. I'm learning about which radio stations to listen to for weather reports, and that I need to set the alarm earlier and double my travel time to go anywhere. I've also learned that native Wisconsinites (onians?) don't like to drive in it any more than I do. Thanks goodness - I feel a lot less like a wimp.

All learning moments aside, I've really enjoyed taking the dog out. She is just like a little kid! She huffs and puffs and dances and wiggles, and shoves her head in the snow, and tries to catch pieces I throw for her and brings ice in to lick, and brings ice in in her toes, and prances and dances... Just all-around fun! It's also really amazing at how much light the snow reflects at night - there's no need for a flashlight at all, even on moonless nights. And the snow just glitters! It's beautiful!

As J mentioned, I've been working as a temp at Group Health Cooperative - our health insurance company. I started as a two-week temp, and I believe I'm on week six now, and have been asked to stay through March, as per my request. There's plenty for me to do in the marketing department, and the people are so nice. I'm feeling very fulfilled there, like I'm really helping to make a difference in the office, and I'm starting to make some friends. Last week, when we all thought it would be my last one there, several of them took me to a local restaurant to say goodbye. It turned out to be a "Yea, you're staying!" celebration - very fun. One of the gals in the office asked me to join her for lunch and a concert on Saturday. Although I normally prefer to stay with my husband on the weekends, the opportunity for friendship is something I don't want to pass up. I'm so homesick.

I've really been missing all my friends and family back home in CA. To see a familiar face, and to not have to give background information for every story is a luxury I miss. I especially miss Danielle and Jenn - two lifetime-long friends who have almost more dirt on me than my family! It was really great having a history with them, and just being myself, right now, no explanations for everything. We've talked on the phone several times, and that's helped a bit, but you know the adage - there's no place like home. Friends are home. That's another BIG lesson I've learned.

I have been able to meet some great people, and have started making a history here. Nancy from the church, who showed me around Madison when we were still checking out the church, has proven to be a really wonderful person, full of warmth. A number of other ladies from church have also made a real effort to include me in their activities. I was invited to Advent By Candlelight, a women-only evening of candles and singing and preparation for the season. Very meaningful (a little difficult to get through emotionally), and beautiful. I look forward to next year's. I went to dinner at Emily's house, and learned that children take a great deal of energy, and we had a wonderful time. Several couples have mentioned they'd like to have us over for dinner, and I've got a running list of people we'd like to have over.

I've become a fan of all things Wisconsin, as has my dad, so it seems. We've had Packer parties during the big games at church, where we've gotten to know some very fun people, and I've learned that their colors are green and GOLD. Not yellow. Ask me how I learned that at one big game! Dad calls to tell me scores to "my teams", and lets me know when I need to cheer harder. I think he's watching more sports now (all Wisconsin) than he ever did before we moved! I met Bucky the Badger(the mascot) at a grocery store grand re-opening, and also won $100 gift card to the store!

We've been learning that God covers money issues in the funniest ways. When we pray to make ends meet, He not only does it, but does it in the weirdest ways you can think of! Like the spin the wheel game for the gift card. Or the paycheck coming with an extra dollar per hour than I was expecting. Or the AAA refund from CA we weren't expecting. Or the weirdest one - the "do not pay" electric bill from our electric company. Say what?! They couldn't come read the meter last month, due to weather, so for last month's bill, they made an estimate based on last year's bill (which reflected 10 people living in this house at the time). The estimate was more than double what we used, so our payment not only covered last month's bill, it covered this month's bill, and part of NEXT month's bill! That's only a God thing!

God is good - all the time, and we are so grateful for this adventure in our lives - even when it takes us so far from you. We love you all and miss you - write soon!


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